jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

the animal rights (farm animals)

It is known as animal rights to the ideas posited by currents of thought and the undercurrent of the animal liberation movement who argue that animal nature, regardless of species, is a subject of law, whose novelty is that this category only belonged to individuals and corporations, ie humans, 1 although it has been historically disenfranchised some groups of humans.

Humans have always recognized certain animal’s special consideration (domestication), which varies greatly depending on cultural background or location, from which can be used to support the animals as you like or serve man, to the ethical treatment or animal welfare, to consider that animals deserve rights traditionally recognized only in humans.
Not to be confused with the right animal and legal doctrine, legal in some countries where the object of law is the freedom of behavior of animals in their natural environment and treatment in a human habitat.

A farm animal is an animal that has been domesticated by humans for their help in the work force, as the horse. The donkey or ox to feed on their meat, milk or eggs and chicken, beef, pork, duck or lamb.
But, on a farm, we can find animals like dogs’ guardians or hunters like cats.
Cats are used by farmers to hunt rodents.
Let's talk about one of those previously mentioned farm animals and their rights the ROOSTER

The Rooster 

Gallus gallus domesticus is a domestic subspecies of the genus Gallus bird belonging to the family Phasianidae. Its common name is rooster and hen for the male to the female. Perhaps the most numerous bird on the planet, it is estimated that there are more 13 000 million.
The cocks and hens are raised mainly for meat and eggs. They also use their feathers, and some varieties are bred and trained for use in cockfighting.
They are herbivores and insectivorous. Their lifespan is between 5 and 10 years depending on the breed.


The cocks and hens show a clear sexual dimorphism can be distinguished both by the naked eye. The males are larger, measuring about 50cm and weighing up to 4 kg. They have a red crest on the head, which they use as a symbol of dominance. It is said that copies of wild red rooster have brighter colors than their domestic relatives. The back is covered by a layer of golden feathers from the neck to the back. The tail is composed of large, arched dark feathers that glow blue, purple or green in the light. On both sides of his head are two white spots, which distinguish it from other closely related species, besides the legs gray.


They are naturally gregarious birds that have lost much of the power of flight due to artificial selection of self humane. The wild red rooster flies well, to higher ground for safety or to escape from potential predators, but also it can you be seen flying a high branches of trees to rest. While domestic specimens rarely use their power of flight, domestic chickens reared in semi-freedom fly to high places for the night. the cocks domestic  may become territorial and violent in some breeds, though usually they are good pets, easily tamed by hand feeding.

They have a distinctive social system with a hierarchy that begins to develop a week of life and at seven weeks and is fully established. There is a dominant male, which dominates over all others and a male subject at all. Chickens have a pecking order independent and do not enter the dominance of males.
The physical act of dominance is the elevation of the tail and head. The submission shows the opposite way, lowering his head and tail, bending and bowing his head to one side. The hens feel safe under the dominance of a rooster, and only defend by force if they are away from the dominant rooster. If he dies the dominant rooster, the next in seniority takes charge immediately.
In the extensive breeding these animals are cannibalistic habits, if they see the red due to an injury in the other not another chicken pecking stop, causing serious damage


The rooster produces a sound called song (described by onomatopoeia "doodle" or “crowing"), provided that is not castrated (capon). The cock crows all day, but concentrated their songs at certain times of day, such as dawn, noon, afternoon, and half the night, between three and five o'clock. These songs and that usually occur sporadically throughout the day, outside of the periods described, serve as a territorial challenge to other cocks, to attract nearby females and as a warning signal in general. It can also be caused by a disturbance around. Usually a violent like sound alert.

The rooster also emit other sounds, this time similar to those emitted by the female of his species, called cackling, being the onomatopoeia used to describe "cluck-cluck" or “coco". This sound is emitted especially when it is proposed to impregnate a female, or has found food, to call the rest of his family (call to which all others come at enormous speed). This sound is more of a quiet family.
Importantly, this behavior is much more common in rural birds, ie free, but the song always emit it.

Reproduction (incubation and gestation)

The breeding season starts in spring and lasts until the summer, with the intention that the chicks born in the summer heat.
The hens lay every day for several days (8 to 10) an egg in which the embryo develops, 12 and incubated until birth, giving heat and rotating position (for 21 days). It is known as mother hen to the one that stops laying eggs and hatch them focus on and protect them.
The embryo is nourished by the yolk, which gets into the enclosure through the navel. At the end of the first day the circulatory system and be operational within the egg, and the head starts to take shape. On the fifth day the sexual organs are formed, the thirteenth is the skeleton begins to calcify using calcium from the eggshell, and 21 days the chicken is fully developed to begin to hatch, which they can take 10 to 20 hours. The chicken will crow to hear the chicks chirping to motivate them to hatch.
Since not all eggs hatch at the same time, the mother continues incubating for two days since the birth of the first of the chicks, which deplete nutrients from the yolk they have absorbed before birth. Between 2 and 4 weeks after birth and chickens have feathers, and at 8 weeks and have the adult plumage. At 8 or 10 weeks are expelled from the group by their mothers to form your own or join another. At 5 months of age they reach sexual maturity, with males typically reach those earlier

An early chick rearing

artificial incubation

Chicken eggs can be incubated artificially with results satisfactorios.Prácticamente all chickens will hatch in about 21 days under appropriate conditions of temperature (37 °C) and relative humidity (55%, raising it to 70% in the three recent days to soften the shell).
Many industrial-sized artificial incubators can hatch thousands of eggs at the same time, including fully automated rotations for eggs.

Relationship with humans

Have reached such a level of domestication that depends largely on the care of human beings to survive, being easy prey for predators.
Chicken is one of the most exploited animals worldwide, because of its relative efficiency in terms of amount of food and development time compared to other types of animals consumed by humans. It is so popular that each year consumes more than 33 million tons of muscles, tendons and fat, and produces about 600,000 million eggs.
Capon, painted pularda, pausing chicken, broiler, are now specialized in the production of meat of these birds are very appreciated in gastronomy.

Chicken for food

Chicken meat is the most food in the world and this is due to its low cost.

The chicken is also widely used in fast food restaurants.
Note that acquires a high nutritional value because they are digested more easily thanred meat. However it is very rich in purines (like all meat products), so should be avoided in case of gout or high uric acid.
It is also often consume the meat of chicken. Nevertheless it is necessary to note that this meat is harder and takes longer to cook than chicken.

The rooster as pets

The chickens are good pets because they are noble and not aggressive, but the roostersdo tend to be aggressive even with the same human beings. In some U.S. cities are allowed to have chickens as pets but this practice is adopted across the country.Chickens are generally very easy to care because their food is cheap, the greatest challenge is the care for the attack of predators such as weasels, foxes, dogs, wolves, coyotes, raccoons and cats.


Cockfighting is legal in most Latin American countries in particular regions of Spain and France and in countries in Asia like the Philippines. In many other places, the fights are strictly outlawed. Usually held in a special area where the bird that shows best qualities in the fight is declared a winner, so it should let your opponent unfit to continue fighting. The origin of these fights are in Asia. In China and were held 2,500 years ago and may be made a thousand years before the India.24 In ancient Rome were witnessed to acquire courage. Subsequently, this practice was brought to America by Spanish conquistadors.


These animals are very interesting it? 
The animals also have the right
And these are the rights that adhere more to the case of the rooster

Art 3: No animal shall be subjected to ill treatment or cruelty.

If you take the death of an animal, it must be sudden and not behave any distress to the victim, this is the article that best applied to this animal because many of them are usedto fight where the loser always dies.

Art.5 º

A) All animals selected by man as a partner is entitled to the duration of his life is in accordance with their natural longevity.
B) The abandonment of an animal is a cruel and degrading.

ART.6 º

All animal work is entitled to limit its duration and intensity of work, adequate food and rest.

article 8 º

When an animal is raised for food must be fed, housed, transported and slaughteredwithout cause you anxiety or pain.

Art.9 º

A) No animal should be used for entertainment of human beings.
B) prohibit the shows and exhibitions incompatible with the dignity of the animal.

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